Master Scuba Diver Trainer

By becoming a Master Scuba Diver Trainer (MSDT) you are really showing your dedication within the diving industry. Attaining this qualification means that you have taught a minimum of 25 PADI courses as well as become a specialist instructor within 5 unique specialty courses.

Being a Specialty Instructor in area such as wreck, deep, night, buoyancy or a specialist in underwater photography instructor. This course makes you a more sought after instructor within the diving industry by showing that you really have lots of experience with students.

We at Scuba Tours will teach you to fully understand the training and preparation for dives required on this course. We will also aid you in really honing up those dive skills and how to understand all aspects of the teaching portion of the specialty course within your instructor manuals.

If you have taught the required amount of courses that you certified, then its just a matter of 3-5 more days training. The MSDT can be completed alongside as part of our IDC (Instructor Development Course) and includes a minimum of 5 Speciality Instructor courses.

Minimum Age – 18

Price – 495€

DiveMaster | Assistant Instructor | Instructor | Master Scuba Diver Trainer | IDC Staff Instructor